Hey there. I’m Dillon. I’m the creator of this blog. I always wished there was guide to life as I was growing up. I came from relatively humble beginnings and I had to learn so many lessons the hard way. Lesson after lesson, obstacle after obstacle, I finally feel like I’m at a place in my life where I’m content and am able to provide for those around me, which I think is a goal for most people.
That inspired me to create this blog. I wanted to create a place where I could pass on my learnings to my community and those who are willing to learn and consider new perspectives.
I truly believe that having control over our finances, health, and thoughts/life perception will lead us to a more fulfilled life – allowing us to create our own dynasty (or empire) for generations to come.
But in order to create our dynasty for generations to come, we need to be armed with knowledge to manage our finances, take care of our health & bodies, and ensure our personal thought processes or proclivities don’t get in our way to achieve the things we want.
These are my blueprints that help me achieve the things that I’ve always wanted.